Stripping using ecological media
Sofiplast Group has extensive expertise and will work with you to provide the best stripping procedures using ecological vegetable media (wheat, maize starch, fruit shells) to meet all requirements for stripping / cleaning in your production processes or for finished parts.
Our processes (manual or with integrated automation) can address all your technical stripping / cleaning problems for sensitive substrates (such as composites, Kevlar…), PES – Aluminium, PU, C/C, PR seals…

- Process using media that are completely biodegradable and re-usable over several cycles
- Low pressure spraying between 1 and 3,5 bars, resulting in energy-savings
- Ability to strip selective layers of paint, and therefore eliminate the need for other stages of preparation before applying paint
- Stripping that is faster and offers a better finish than other impact stripping processes, without altering the surface of the substrate
- Does not alter the surface conditions of the structure
- Cleaning of all types of non- liquid clogging
- Maintains chemical or electrolyte protection
- Non-abrasive media which offers very low levels of wear on the material and very low maintenance costs for the machines
- Generates minimal dust on impact
- Improves working conditions for operators (dust, noise, physical exertion)
- Eliminates potential waste from hazardous materials as it is biodegradable
- Our processes are to EC standards
Our processes and regulations
- Does not require specific approval
- Substitute for chemical, cryogenic, sandblasting… stripping
- Process that meets regulatory requirements in terms of the environment and working conditions

Technical information
The details below are for information purposes only and can vary depending on the application:
- Performance can reach up to 15m²/hour
- Media used from 5 to 8 kg/hour
- Working at low pressure between 1 and 3,5 bars
- The low pressure use ensures less compressed air consumed. For example with a 10mm nozzle:
– the consumption of compressed air with a 2 bar-pressure is equivalent to 2200L/min
– the consumption of compressed air with a 6 bar-pressure is equivalent to 8200L/min
We then make an economy of compressed air of 6000L/min, equivalent to 360m3/min.